The Sunburst chart is hierarchical, and IT is most effective at screening how one ring is broken into its contributing pieces, patc another type of hierarchical chart, the treemap chart, is known for comparing relative sizes. The Sunburst chart is a well-stacked-in chart available in PowerPoint, Excel, and Outlook.
What is a Sunburst graph?
A Sunburst chart is a chart that represents class-conscious data, for each one level of the hierarchy is delineated by one gang or circle with the innermost circle as the pinch of the hierarchy. Sunburst charts with one level of categories volition look similar to a doughnut graph, while Sunburst chart with multiple levels of categories shows how the outer rings touch to the inner rings. The Sunburst chart displays each group with tinge and the sub-categories by section.
How to create a Sunburst chart in PowerPoint
Follow the steps below to create and insert a Sunburst graph in PowerPoint.
- On the Insert tab, fall into place Chart in the Illustration group.
- In the Enclose Graph dialog boxful, on the left pane, chatter Sunburst
- Then click OK.
- The diagram is inserted into the slide, along with an Surpass spreadsheet
- Enter your data into the spreadsheet
- close the spreadsheet
- At once, we have a Sunburst chart
Launch PowerPoint.
Happening the Enter tab, click Chart in the Example group.
In the Enter Graph dialog box, on the left battery-acid, click Sunburst.
Then click OK.
The diagram is inserted into the slide, along with an Excel spreadsheet.
Enter your data into the spreadsheet.
Close the spreadsheet.
Now, we have a Sunburst chart.
A Chart Design tab will seem with features to customise your graph.
To change the style of the graph, click a style in the Graph Styles gallery.
To change the color of your chart; click the Color button, and choice a color palette from the carte.
You seat also change the style and color of the chart by clicking the Chart then clicking the Chart Styles icon on the chart, which testament video display ii categories Style and Color.
We hope this tutorial helps you understand how to insert a Sunburst chart in PowerPoint; if you have questions about the tutorial, allow us know in the comments.
How do I hyperkinetic syndrome data labels to Sunburst graph?
When you make a Sunburst Graph in PowerPoint, the labels will tally automatically to the chart; if there are No labels in the graph, you can honorable-detent the graph and choice Add labels from the context of use menu or click the Graph Elements clit at the upper right of the chart and check the check into box for Information labels.
How to create a Sunburst chart in PowerPoint
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